Commonly Misused Words
There are certain words and phrases in the English language that are often misused and that often show up on the ACT English Test. This is a list of commonly misused words here, along with definitions and examples of the proper use of the words.
1. Accept, Except
Accept is a verb that means “to agree to receive something.” Example: Jenny did not accept my invitation to dinner.
Except is usually a preposition that means “excluding,” or more rarely a verb meaning “to omit or leave out.” Example: The entire family except for my sister Jill attended the reunion.
2. Affect, Effect
Affect is usually a verb meaning “to influence.” Example: His opinion will affect my decision.
Effect is usually a noun meaning “result” or “force.” Example: His opinion had a great effect on my decision.
3. All ready, Already
All ready means “completely ready” or “everyone is ready.” Example: The instructor asked the climber if he was all ready to begin.
Already means “by or before a specified time.” Example: The students were already late for the bus.
4. Among, Between
Among is used with more than two items. Example: The scientist is living among a group of native people.
Between is used with two items. Example: The race between Amy and Jenny was very close.
5. Amount, Number
Amount is used to denote a quantity of something that cannot be divided into separate units. Example: There was a small amount of water in the glass.
Number is used when the objects involved are discrete or can be counted. Example: A large number of students participated in the festivities.
6. Assure, Ensure, Insure
Assure means “to convince,” or “to guarantee” and usually takes a direct object. Example: I assure you that I will not be late.
Ensure means “to make certain.” Example: Ensure that the door is locked when you leave.
Insure means “to guard against loss.” Example: Please insure this package for $100.
7. Bring, Take
Bring should be used in situations where something is being moved toward you. Example: Please bring me the book.
Take should be used in situations where something is being moved away from you. Example: Did you take my book with you when you left?
8. Capital, Capitol
Capital refers to “the official seat of government of a state or nation.” Example: The capital of Michigan is Lansing.
Capital can also be used to mean “wealth or money.” Example: He needed to raise investment capital to start his company.
Capital, when used as an adjective, means “foremost,” or “excellent.” Example: “That is a capital idea,” Steve said.
Capitol refers to the “building where government meets, or when capitalized, refers to the building in which the U.S. Congress is housed.” Example: Some members of the legislature have their offices in the capitol building downtown.
9. Compare to, Compare with
Compare to means “assert a likeness.” Example: My grandmother often compares me to my mother.
Compare with means “analyze for similarities and differences.” Example: The detective compared the photograph with the drawing.
10. Complement, Compliment
Complement is a noun or verb that implies “something that completes or adds to” something else. Example: The dessert was a tasty complement to my meal.
Compliment is a noun or verb that implies “flattery or praise.” Example: Pam appreciated Mike’s compliment on her high test scores.
11. Eager, Anxious
Eager implies “an intense desire” and usually has a positive connotation. Example: Carrie was eager to begin her new job.
Anxious indicates “worry or apprehension” and has a negative connotation. Example: Fred waited anxiously for the plane to take off.
12. Farther, Further
Farther refers to distance. Example: Matt traveled farther than all of the others.
Further indicates “additional degree, time, or quantity.” Example: The airline representative told us to expect further delays.
13. Fewer, Less
Fewer refers to units or individuals. Example: Fewer students went on the class trip this year. Example: I weigh fewer pounds this year than I did last year.
Less refers to mass or bulk. Example: There is less air in my bicycle’s front tire than in its rear tire. Example: I weigh less this year than I did last year.
14. Imply, Infer
Imply means “to suggest.” The speaker or author “implies.” Example: His pants and shirt colors imply that he is color blind.
Infer means “to deduce,” “to guess,” or “to conclude.” The listener or reader “infers.” Example: He is not color blind, so we can infer that he simply has bad taste in clothes.
15. Its, It’s
The possessive form of it is its. Example: The dog lost its collar.
The contraction of it is is it’s. Example: It’s too bad that your dog ran away.
16. Lay, Lie
Lay means “to put” or “to place,” and takes a direct object. Example: Please lay your scarf on the back of the chair.
Lie means “to recline, rest, or stay,” or “to take a position of rest.” This verb does not take a direct object. Example: Carrie likes to lie down when she gets home from school.
17. Learn, Teach
Learn means to “gain knowledge.” Example: I have always wanted to learn how to cook.
Teach means to “impart, or give knowledge.” Example: My uncle agreed to teach me to cook.
18. Lend, Borrow
Lend means to “give or loan something” to someone else. Example: Will you lend me your jacket for the evening?
Borrow means to “obtain or receive something temporarily” from someone else. Example: May I borrow your jacket for the evening?
19. Precede, Proceed
Precede means “to go before.” Example: Katie preceded Kahla as an intern at the law office.
Proceed means “to move forward.” Example: Please proceed to the testing center in an orderly fashion.
20. Principal, Principle
Principal is a noun meaning “the head of a school or an organization.” Example: Mr. Smith is the principal of our high school.
Principal can also mean “a sum of money.” Example: Only part of the payment will be applied to the principal amount of the loan.
Principal can also be used as an adjective to mean “first,” or “leading.” Example: Betty’s principal concern was that Gary would be late.
Principle is a noun meaning “a basic truth or law.” Example: We learned the principles of democracy in class today.
21. Set, Sit
The verb set takes a direct object, while the verb sit does not. Example: Please set the glass down on the table. Example: Please sit in the chair next to mine.
22. Than, Then
Than is a conjunction used in comparative constructions. Example: Jill would rather eat fruit than eat chocolate.
Then is an adverb denoting time. Example: First, I will go for a run, then I will do my homework.
23. That, Which
That is used to introduce an essential clause in a sentence. Commas are not normally used before the word that. Example: This is the book that Jenny recommended I read.
Which is best used to introduce a clause containing nonessential and descriptive information. Commas are required before the word which. Example: That book, which is old and tattered, is a favorite of mine.
24. There, Their, They’re
There indicates location. Example: My car is parked over there.
Their is a possessive determiner. Example: Their car is parked next to mine.
They’re is a contraction of they are. Example: They’re afraid of getting a ticket if the car is not moved.
25. To, Too, Two
To is a preposition. Example: Send the check to my office.
Too is an adverb, and means also, excessively, or prohibitively. Example: It is important that you read the textbook, too. Example: John has been too sick to work this week. Example: That silk scarf is too expensive for me to buy right now.
Two is a number. Example: There are only two tickets remaining for the game.
26. Your, You’re
Your is a possessive determiner. Example: Your brother is going to be late for school.
You’re is a contraction of you are. Example: You’re going to be late as well.