What is GMAT?
GMAT is a computer–adaptive test (CAT) required by many business schools for admissions.

GMAT Changes in 2023
In 2023, GMAT was changed significantly.
- The Integrative Reasoning Section and essay were removed
- A new section of Data Insights was added with 20 questions.
- The number of questions in Quantative section reduced from 31 to 21.
- The number of questions in Verbal section reduced from from 36 to 23.
- Overall duration reduced from 3.5 hours to 2 hours, 15 minutes. All three sections of the test are now 45 minutes long.
GMAT Pattern
The GMAT consists of three sections:
- Quantitative Section
- Verbal Section
- Data Insights
All sections of the test are graded separately. You will receive a score ranging from 60 to 90 for each section.
The composite score ranges from 205 to 805 in 10-point increments and is determined by a combination of your scores on all three sections of the test.
The GMAT score is valid for five years.