Each year nearly 3 million high school juniors and seniors take the ACT to gain insights into their college and career readiness. PreACT, targeted to grade 10, gives students practice with the ACT test and empowers them, their parents, and educators with these valuable insights even sooner.

It is a multiple-choice assessment that provides 10th graders with short practice for the ACT test. PreACT simulates the ACT testing experience within a shorter test window on all four ACT test subjects.
Benefits of PreACT
Early practice for the ACT test with flexible test administration dates - test on your schedule.
PreACT score and predicted ACT score ranges align to the ACT 1-36 scale.
Students may opt to share their information with colleges and scholarship agencies.
ACT Interest Inventory results provide students with a personalized view of interests with college and career alignment.
Valuable results provide actionable insights to help educators, parents and students make important decisions for the future.
Rapid reporting turnaround within 2-4 weeks of receipt of answer documents allows for early and effective planning to ensure students can attain the future and career success they envision.
Easy, flexible, and affordable administration
PreACT encompasses paper-based, multiple-choice tests in English, math, reading, and science. PreACT can be administered on any date between September 1 and June 1, making it a flexible and affordable way to give students low-stakes practice in a high-stakes environment.
Practice with the ACT Test Experience
PreACT provides students with a structured testing environment similar to what they will experience when taking the ACT, ACT test-quality questions, and predictive scores on the familiar 1-36 scale. This helps students get comfortable with the test and understand how they’re doing in core subjects. It also helps parents and educators identify areas where additional support might be necessary.
Early indication of progress and ideas for improvement
PreACT gives students an estimated ACT test score and can be used as an indicator of college and career readiness. Reports include data to help teachers and counselors target interventions, inform classroom instruction, and guide students in course selection.
Fast, robust reporting
Reports are ready quickly, so teachers and students can get to work turning PreACT insights into action. Reports include information about student interests that counselors can use to advise students in thinking about college majors and careers.