ACT Aspire

From grades 3 through 10, ACT Aspire offers a unique, connected approach to measuring student progress. The system is anchored by the ACT test for students in grades 11 and 12 and provides empirically based readiness benchmarks at every grade.


Assessment Overview

The ACT Aspire Assessment System is a vertically scaled, standards-based system of assessments that monitors student growth and progress toward college and career readiness.

  1. Summative Assessments: A system of annual vertically articulated, standards-based Summative Assessments linked to ACT College Readiness Benchmarks and other sets of state standards.

  2. Interim Assessments: Interim Assessments provide fast, convenient, and accurate measurement. They can be implemented at intervals leading up to the ACT Aspire Summative Assessments.

  3. Classroom Assessments: Classroom Assessments are designed for flexible implementation between their Interim counterparts. Each assessment provides guiding insights to student progress.

Six Reasons to Implement ACT Aspire

  1. The only system of assessments directly connected to the most used college entrance exam, the ACT test.

  2. The 1st longitudinal assessment to fully connect student performance with readiness benchmarks.

  3. Accurately predicts students' future scores on the ACT.

  4. Gives educators greater visibility into specific areas of academic risk.

  5. Delivers evidence-based results.

  6. Periodic assessments that lead to early interventions.